Do’s and Don’ts whith NVD

Do not turn on your device during daylight. Without a pinhole or day cap (rubber protection cap with a small pinhole or an iris), using your night vision device during daytime will significantly reduce the lifetime of the image intensifier tube installed in your device. Direct sunlight exposure can cause permanent damage.

Avoid exposing your device directly to bright lights, such as car headlights, lasers, explosions, and fires. If you encounter bright light at night, simply turn your device away.

Do not disassemble your device. Manufacturers fill it with nitrogen gas to prevent lens corrosion and internal fogging. This also preserves the electronics by preventing oxidation. The military typically refills its devices with nitrogen every 6 months, but civilian users do not need to do this.

You can use your NVD in the rain, as it is waterproof. However, do not use it for swimming or underwater activities.

Keep your NVD lenses clean using a special cloth or Q-tip. Avoid using a T-shirt or any rough cloth, as it will scratch and damage the anti-reflective coating on your lenses.

When storing your NVD, the light condition doesn’t matter as long as the device is off. It is crucial to store the NVD without a battery installed to avoid damage from leaking batteries. Leaving the device turned on and exposed to light can burn the image into your tube and cause permanent damage.